Water Damage Restoration, Lincolnton, NC

If you need water damage restoration in Lincolnton because your tile floor is discolored, cracking, or warping, give us a call at Dave’s Custom Tile.

Water Damage Restoration
Many people choose tile for their home’s flooring because they believe it to be infallible even in the event of a flood. The reality is that water can and does damage pretty much any surface – just look at how deep the Grand Canyon is after billions of years of water erosion! While you hopefully won’t have the Colorado River flowing through your home anytime soon, if you need water damage restoration because your tile floor is discolored, cracking, or warping, give us a call at Dave’s Custom Tile.

With our 20+ years of experience with tile, we are in the unique position of being able to salvage tile floors in many cases, yet also have the knowledge to know when it would be a waste of resources to attempt it. We won’t waste your time or your money, and you can trust us for an honest assessment. You can also trust that if water damage restoration is possible, we’ll do it in such a way as to be undetectable from its original appearance.

There are two important things to realize when it comes to water damage restoration. First of all, the sooner it is done the better. Secondly, this is not one of those DIY projects you should attempt yourself. Without the necessary expertise, it is quite likely that you will cause additional damage to your floors instead of fixing the problem. At that point, it may be impossible for us to reverse the damage.

If you have experienced a flood, give us a call. We’ll be happy to look at your Lincolnton, NC tile and provide our advice and a quote for restoring your home to its original condition, whether that ends up being with water damage restoration or new tile installation.